The 6th edition of the CI-LAM (China Italy-Laboratory on Advanced Manufacturing) Summer School has successfully concluded.
The sixth edition of the Sino-Italian CI-LAM Summer School, part of the bilateral cooperation project between Italy and China, concluded with great success. Held from July 15 to 26, 2024, at Tsinghua University in Beijing, the event serves as an important platform for academic and cultural exchange in the field of Advanced Manufacturing. This year, 35 students from the University of Naples Federico II, the University of Bergamo, and Beijing Capital Normal University participated.
The Summer School offered an intensive two-week program, featuring lectures by internationally renowned experts and faculty members from the participating universities. Topics covered included highly relevant subjects such as intelligent manufacturing, IoT systems, monitoring, industrial robotics, additive manufacturing, bio-3D printing, and power electronics. The educational activities were complemented by hands-on experiences in Tsinghua University’s laboratories, as well as visits to major Chinese manufacturing companies like Funeng Intelligent Manufacturing, Mecamander, Xiaomi Automobile Factory, and Siling Robotics Technology.
A notable highlight was the participation of students from the University of Naples Federico II, with 13 students from the DIETI (Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies), supported by the department and coordinated by Prof. Giovanni Breglio, a member of the CI-LAM project steering committee. Prof. Antonello Cutolo, also from DIETI, delivered a lecture on “The Use of Fiber Optic Photonic Sensors in Industrial and Biomedical Applications,” highlighting the importance of photonic technology in modern industry.
The closing ceremony, held on July 26 at the Department of Electrical Engineering at Tsinghua University, was attended by prominent figures such as Prof. Zheng Zedong, the department’s deputy director, and Mr. Wang Jian, Secretary General of the China Science and Technology Automation Alliance. During the event, Prof. Zheng emphasized the significance of the CI-LAM Summer School as a platform for knowledge and cultural exchange, expressing hope for even deeper cooperation between China and Italy in the future.
During the ceremony, participating students shared their experiences, including Vito Daniele Perfetta from the University of Naples Federico II, Wang Zichen from Beijing Capital Normal University, and Simone Boffetti from the University of Bergamo. They expressed their gratitude to the organizers and highlighted how the school not only enriched their knowledge of advanced manufacturing technologies but also facilitated the development of strong interpersonal and professional relationships.
The closing ceremony also provided an opportunity to award participation certificates to all students, recognizing their efforts and achievements over the two weeks. The CI-LAM project, launched in 2017 and renewed in April 2024 with the signing of a new multi-departmental promotion agreement, continues to be recognized by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation as the main bilateral strategic platform in the field of smart manufacturing, in line with the “Italy-China S&T Cooperation, Action Plan towards 2025.”

The selection call is now open for students who want to participate in the 6th edition of the Summer School of the Italo -Chinese
Project, the result of the academic collaboration between the University of Naples Federico II , the University of Bergamo and Tsinghua University (Beijing) focused on the topics of Advanced Manufacturing.
This year the Summer School will be held in China from 14 to 26 July 2024 at the Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
The selected DIETI’s students will be hosted at the Tsinghua’s Campus (accommodation and food costs will be covered by the hosting institution) and will receive a cash prize as reimbursement for travel expenses as per the attached announcement: